Privacy Policy
Art Therapy for adults above age 18
Your data is protected and treated with respect in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.
I, as a private practitioner, act both as Data Controller and Data Processor, and I gather, store and process your personal data in order to provide as effective therapy as possible. Please see the details below.
Your personal data collected:
- Name, date of birth, address, phone number, email address.
- Dates of contacts, appointments and attendances.
- A record of the information provided, including; family history, life events, medical history, etc.
- Session summary.
- Contact details of your next of kin and professionals responsible for your welfare (GP, Social Worker, etc.).
Why your personal data is collected and processed:
- To establish clear understanding of your life circumstances, views, interests and needs.
- To provide you with the as effective intervention as possible you have asked for.
- To protect you from any harm.
- To meet the legal obligations.
- To share your information with appropriate professionals for the purpose of the above (with your consent).
- To share your information with courts when ordered to do so.
Please note that I will never share your data with any third party without your request, except in statutory safeguarding cases.
How your data is collected:
- From the referral: by telephone, email, letter, etc.
- From the assessment meeting, typed into an encrypted password protected system. From each Art Therapy sessions, typed into an encrypted password protected system after the session.
- Artwork created in the sessions.
- Correspondence between the sessions, through telephone, texts and emails.
How your data is stored:
- Any written data is stored securely in an encrypted electronic format in a password protected system. No paper file will be kept.
- The data will be retained in a separate encrypted password protected system for 6 years after the completion of the therapy, following the guidelines of British Association of Art Therapists.
- Your artwork created in the sessions is stored safely in the locked cupboard in the Art Therapy studio, with no unauthorised access, during the course of the therapy.
- In order to monitor the therapy’s progress, the artwork is photographed each session, and the digital images are stored in an encrypted secure password protected system during the course of therapy.
- At the end of the art therapy, you will decide what you wish to do with your artwork. If disposal is your choice, the therapist will follow your instruction to dispose it confidentially. Any digital images will be deleted from the system.
Your rights:
please note that you have the rights:
- To have data about you deleted.
- To have inaccurate personal data corrected.
- To object or restrict the data being processed by legitimate interest.
- To object to decisions being taken by automated means.
- To request the data to be transferred to another organisation by legitimate interest.
- To request to access your personal data and information about processing of it.

If you make a subject access request you will be:
- Given a description of the data held.
- Explained why the data is being held and processed and how long it will be kept.
- Explained where the data came from (if that is not from you), and with whom it is shared.
- Informed whether any automated decision-making is being applied to the data, and any consequences of this.
- Given a copy of the data in an intelligible form, if this is seen to be the best course of action.
This part of this policy is adapted from https://www.arttherapyberkshire.co.uk/privacy-policy.html.
If you have a question, concern or wish to exercise any of your rights, please contact me in the first instance at naoko@arttherapyplymouth.com. Alternatively, you may contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at https://ico.org.uk/concerns/.
Clinical Executor:
In case I am unable to see you or communicate with you directly, such as illness or death, I have appointed a Clinical Executor who would be able to access your details should the situation arise. This arrangement is in place to ensure that you will be supported in the event of such circumstances.